Disposable Scrub Suits and Why They're Important
A scrub suit is a special type of clothing designed to keep a person’s body clean and free from harmful bacteria as they undergo a medical procedure. Some scrub suits are made for specific procedures, such as general surgery or operation. Others are worn for specific kinds of procedures like cardiac surgery or cardiothoracic surgery. Regardless of the purpose, each scrub suit is unique in its way and has an important role to play during any medical procedure. In this article, we will discuss the reasons why scrubs are important and what types there are available on the market today. Why Disposable Scrub Suits Are Needed for Medical Operations Similar to other types of scrub suits, disposable ones are worn during medical operations, such as cardiac surgery, spine surgery, and general surgery. Disposable scrub suits are routinely worn during these operations to keep the operating room sterile. A sterile environment is essential to keep any operating table or surgery room clean so that a ...